Sunday, August 21, 2011


it's been a very busy week... between school and volleyball and my family-- oh and the rest of life-- i've been on the go quite a bit.

this past week has been the first official week of my senior volleyball season. i. love. volleyball. and i'm pumped about the season... [team stats are here btw.]

on thursday i spend the morning with a friend. even though we had to go to pinehurst for an appointment, it was so lovely to be real and be together.

my family switched around rooms this summer, and i'm still settling into my new space. i'll show you before and after pictures soon. but this week, i've hung wall collages and organized and decorated... a little inspiration: i did something like this. and this is how i hung the collages.

i've been missing my sister who went back to college last sunday... she leaves for ireland tomorrow, and she skyped to say goodbye this afternoon. *sniff* i'm so thrilled for her, but having her on the other side of the world will be different.

to end on a happier note: i had two power-ade slushes from sonic this past week. life must be good. : )

thanks for listening. and for being here. have a wonderful week.


  1. DID YOU KNOW that you have the second highest ace percentage in serving? woot woot! (and i don't want to hear any gibberish about why this isn't as amazing as it IS. you rock, kat. and i really like that nickname.)

    love you.

  2. p.s. i kind of take devilish delight in making your blog say "1 comments" because that drives you so nuts. except that i just messed it up by commenting again. but i thought you should know so that you can appreciate my...uh...friendliness in the future. ;)

    xo, and yes, the majority of those sentences are actually fragments. i think people need to write rules outlining when it is appropriate to break the rules of grammar/the english language. also, i think perhaps i should leave your blog before i become even more punchy and leave even less relevant comments. thanks for being a medium for my nonsense.

  3. ok. you totally made my night... *grin* i think you should stick around and get more punchy btw. : ) [i love/hate that you know about my dislike of "1 comments." lol]

    and thank you about the serving. seeee?? i just said thank you. guess i'm learning from all that bossing i've given you about complements. : ) xoxo

  4. I love you Katherine, if you need a big sister to talk to I am around. I know I am just a year older than you, but I really love you. xoxo

  5. GUESS WHAT??! now the whole world also knows about your dislike of "1 comments." so there. *devilish plan of subterfuge comes to brilliant fruition*

    grin. xo.
