Monday, September 12, 2011

last drops of summer.

the calendar flipped from august to september a bit ago... and the last days of summer are slipping away like a handful of sand. but i was having fun creating outfits one night, and i wanted to make a summer outfit to share before autumn is here to stay. so here's to remembering your happy summer vacation and no school and sparkling lakes and flip-flops and coke slushies and road trips and dripping heat and ping-pong laughter and starry nights.

summer 1


  1. oh. this makes me want summer to stay, even though i'm loving the hints of autumn we've been getting. but i need *links* for these things! kat!!

  2. : ) there... i fixed it. now you have the links. xo

  3. thank you VERY muchly. :D i just like seeing where things come from.
